I have been wanting to brew a Flanders Red ever since I tried
Duchesse De Bourgogne which is a wonderfully complex sour beer. It has a nice fruity flavor with some vinegar and a mild level of sourness. It's also a pretty expensive beer ($20 per 4 pack) which prevents me from drinking it frequently.
I spent quite a bit of time researching the grain bill and found that many hombrewers end up using Pilsner, Munich, and Vienna along with some flaked wheat or corn and small amount of some Belgian specialty malts. I believe these are all based on Jamil's Flanders Red. I decided to go with that grain bill as well.
I am using Wyeast Roeselare Blend which I've heard is relatively low on sourness on the first batch but that it becomes more assertive for successive batches. This is due to the lactic bacteria and Brett in the blend becoming more dominant and the brewers yeast playing less of a role. To try to get a better first batch I decided to mash high and try to get the Alpha Amylase enzymes to break down the starches. I found this nice diagram (from "How to Brew" which can be found
here) that shows the optimal temperature and pH ranges for the enzymes:
Based on this chart I decided to mash at 158 F. The grain bill has a lot of dark malts which would tend to drive the pH down so I used the Brun water spreadsheet to determine the salt additions necessary to get a pH of 5.4 with spring water in order to get better performance out of the Alpha Amylase. Based on this assessment I determined that I would need to add a small amount of baking soda along with my normal additions of Calcium Chloride and Gypsum.
I plan on doing primary fermentation in a bucket for 3 months down in the basement (unless it gets too cold down there) and then transferring the beer to a better bottle to mature for another 15 months. I will make another batch with the transfer to primary to continue to use the Roeselare Blend and allow myself some blending options down the road.
It's very exciting to finally be giving one of these a try. I'm trying some new techniques with this batch - I have my fingers crossed that it turns out okay.
Recipe Details:
- Grain:
- 4 lbs Pilsner (27%)
- 4 lbs Munich (27%)
- 3 lbs 8 oz Vienna (24%)
- 1 lb 8 oz Flaked Wheat (10%)
- 10 oz CaraMunich (4%)
- 10 oz Aromatic (4%)
- 10 oz Special B (4%)
- Hops:
- 1 oz Fuggle (Pellet, 5.0% AA) at 90 min
- Yeast:
- Wyeast 3763 Roeselare Ale Blend
- Water:
- 13 gal Spring water
- 5 g Calcium Chloride (2.3 Mash & 2.7 Boil)
- 3.5 g Gypsum (1.6 Mash & 1.9 Boil)
- 2.9 g Baking Soda (Mash Only)
- 1 tsp Irish Moss at 20 min
Process Details:
- Batch Size:
- Mash:
- Boil:
- Fermentation Temp:
- Primary Duration:
- Secondary Duration:
- OG:
- Efficiency:
- FG:
- Apparent Attenuation:
- ABV:
Brewing Notes:
- 10/10/14 Brew Day - 8:40 AM to 2:10 PM including setup and cleanup
- At the start of the day I took the yeast out of the fridge and popped the smack pack
- Heated 10 gal of spring water to 187 F (Assume the grain are at 60 F and a 15 F loss in temperature to the mash tun)
- Added the mash portions of the salts to the mash tun
- Added 18.6 quarts of water to the mash tun for a 1.25 quarts to pounds ratio. I ran the water out my boil kettle's ball valve this time rather than transferring with my measuring cup. Had to elevate the kettle and have the mash tun on the ground to do this. It was a positive change but does require more lifting as I'll need the mash tun higher than the kettle to drain it.

- Let the mash tun temperature settle for 10 min - this time I'm targeting 173 F to plan for 15 degree loss during dough in to hit the 158 F mash temp
- Continued to heat the remaining 5.5 gal of water to allow temperature adjustment post dough in
- Added grain and stirred to eliminate dough balls . I dumped all the grain in at the same time for this one and then stirred which was a lot quicker than adding a bit and stirring in. I think I was just as effective in eliminating dough balls as well.
- The mash ended up at 155 F so I added another gal of 190 F water and stirred which brought the temperature up to between 158 F and 162 F depending on where in the mash I measured. Decided to continue with this.
- Wrapped the mash tun in blankets to help insulate - it was ~50 F for most of the brewday
- Checked temperature after 30 min - still around 158 F to 162 F
- After 50 min I ran the starch conversion test - conversions is not complete

- Checked the pH of a chilled sample of wort using strips - measuring pH at ~5.0. Was shooting for 5.4. Added 1/8 tsp (~0.5 g) of baking soda to the mash to increase the pH.
- At 60 min the temperature of the mash was between 156 F and 162 F.
- Checked the pH again at 70 min - measured at 5.0 still
- Added ~1/8 tsp more of baking soda to the mash to try to increase the pH.
- At 90 min I checked the conversion and pH again. Still 5.0 and conversion still hadn't completed. I decided to just roll with it as I'm not 100% confident that I would expect to see full starch conversion at the 158 F mash temp. The wort is sweet so there was some conversion. The bugs should be able to work on starch so maybe starchy wort won't be a bad thing. Still a bit disappointing for my first attempt to really understand water adjustments.
- Heated the strike water to 190 F
- Added 3 gal of the 190 F water to the mash tun which brought the mash temperature to 170 F
- Transferred the remaining hot water into another small pot
- Stirred the mash, let settle for 5 min, vorlaufed, and then drained.
- Added the remaining hot water to the mash along with 3 more gal of spring water, stirred, let settle for 5 min, vorlaufed, and then drained.
- Collected 10 gal of wort. Pulled a sample and put it into the freezer to chill. Tried to increase rate of chilling by pouring the sample into several small glasses. This time it took 15 min to chill to 85 F. Measured the gravity of the wort as 1.030 at which is actually 1.035 at that temperature. This is 66% efficiency. So, I decided to continue without taking corrective action - if my volume measurements were correct then I should have about 1.058 OG which isn't too bad.
- While chilling the sample I brought the wort up to a boil - this took 20 min
- Added the boil portion of the brewing salts
- Let the hot break clear before adding the bittering hops

- Added the Irish moss with ~20 min left to go
- Ended the boil when the volume was at ~6.5 gal per the sight glass (this will hopefully compensate for the expansion in the hot liquid and leave me with 6 gal.
- Added the chiller at flame out.
- Chilled the wort down to 80 F and transferred to the fermentor
- Ended up with 6.25 gal of wort. Measured the OG as 1.052 at 80 F which is 1.056 per my hydrometer calibration. This is 66% efficiency.
- Pitched the yeast/bacteria blend and moved the fermenter down to the basement where it has been ~66 F
- It was a very rough brew day and at this point I'm not sure whether the beer is going to have enough easily fermentable sugar for the brewers yeast to bring the gravity down to the range it should or if the lactic bacteria and brett are going to be able to deal with the starch I gave them to eat. I'm surprised I got the level of efficiency I did with the lack of conversion. It seems like either starches factor into the gravity reading or that starch conversion test isn't accurate. I am going to try to forget this beer for the next month until I check the gravity reading - that is going to be the first real evidence about what happened with the mash. I'm kicking myself for adding that baking soda as well - it didn't increase the pH and it added sodium to the beer - I'm worried I'm going to taste it in the finished product.
- 10/11/14 - Airlock is bubbling vigorously the morning after pitching. The fermentation is producing a very pleasant cider-like aroma.
- 11/7/14 - It has been about a month since I brewed this beer. Checked the gravity which is down to 1.018 at 64 F. This is what I was hoping for after primary. There are quite a few gravity points left for the Brett and Lactic Acid Bacteria to do their thing. The fermentor is starting to develop a bubbly layer of film which I was careful not to disturb. The beer has Rodenbach-like aroma at this point which is very pleasing - it has a tart/fruity smell. It has a nice reddish brown color. No real sourness has developed yet but I think I'm getting a tiny bit of acidity on the finish (although that could be my imagination). I also think I may be getting a bit of baking soda flavor on the finish - tough to really say though as some sips I don't really get it. It's already a fairly complex set of flavors. Will be interesting to see how it evolves. Next sample will be in 2 months when I transfer it to secondary.

- 11/8/14 - Airlock is bubbling again. Not sure why this would be happening. Some theories: Off gassing, renewed brewers yeast fermentation due to additional oxygen becoming available or rousing when I was taking off the lid, or Brett fermentation. Probably wont last too long.
- 11/9/14 - The airlock had stopped bubbling by the next morning. Some small bugs have gotten into the airlock (ants maybe). Looks like they crawled in from the outside fortunately as one is floating on top of the water - there are a few others at the bottom.
- 12/7/14 - The airlock is bubbling again - slowly. I don't think this was any external stimuli that got it going again - I haven't touched that fermentor in a month and the temperature down in the basement is as cool as it's been all year (62 F). The beer is in a new stage of fermentation I guess.
- 12/15/14 - Still bubbling slowly
- 1/11/15 - It has now been three months since I brewed this batch. Transferred to a 6 gal glass carboy for secondary - made sure to take some of the cake with the beer during the transfer (not sure if that makes any difference). Took a gravity sample and measured 1.012 so it has come down a bit (6 points) in the last 2 months but still has some room to come down further. There was no more film but there were a few islands of white powdery substance which was probably pellicle. It smells terrific - very fruity - more intense than last time. It tastes a little funkier than it had been previously but still no real sourness. I cleaned up the ring of krausen around the top and whirled around the yeast cake to get ready for the next batch. I have covered the secondary with it's box for it's long aging to protect it from light. I will plan on taking status on it every 3 months.

- 1/25/15 - Checked on the Flanders red after 2 weeks in the glass carboy. A nice bubbly pellicle has formed.
- 3/14/15 - The pellicle has gotten a bit more bubbly in the last couple months:
- 4/11/15 - It has been 6 months since brewing this beer and it's spent the last 3 months in the glass carboy. Measured the gravity as 1.006 so it has come down about 0.006 points in the last 3 months. Still no real sourness has developed - quite a bit of funk in the flavor though. It still has the nice fruity aroma from when was younger but I think it's faded a bit It's still a really young beer from a souring standpoint so it could very well still sour up nicely. I will check on it again in 3 months.

- 10/10/15 - It has been one year since I brewed this beer and 6 months since I took my last sample. This has included the hot summer months. I measured the gravity as 1.002. Only a light pellicle covers the beer. The sample is very clear and still has the great reddish brown color. The aroma is slightly fruity with a musty tinge. There may be a tiny bit of vinegar to the aroma - I check all my airlocks daily and there have been a few times where almost all the liquid had been sucked into the fermentor allowing free air exchange. I personally like a bit of vinegar so I'm not too concerned if it goes a bit further in that direction. The flavor is rich and complex. It has nice funky fruitiness up front and it has developed a light acidity that lingers in the finish. I can also definitely detect the baking soda I used to try to control the mash pH - very subtle but there. I regret using it. The mouthfeel is nice. Even with the low gravity it seems to have a reasonably substantial body. Overall I think this beer is aging nicely. For now I will continue aging it - I'm thinking for 6 more months at a minimum. I'm curious to see how the beer matures over time. Ultimately I intend to blend it with one of my other beers.
- 7/23/17 - Status Report:
- Funky aroma with some fruit
- Orange/red and clear
- Lightly sour with a bit of Brett character. Light fruit flavor.
- Fairly mild in flavor with not all that much complexity
- 9/4/17 - Used 3 gal of this batch for a blend of Cherry Flanders Red along with Flanders Red 1.3.2. I moved the remainder of 1.3.2 into the fermenter with the remaining 1.1.1 beer.

Lessons Learned:
- My dry measure scale isn't precise to the fraction of a gram and may not even be accurate to the gram level. I may have added less baking soda than I'd planned to the mash as a result. Measuring by volume with a conversion to grams may have been a better approach. Here is a good link to a table from "How to Brew" with a conversion from volume to grams.
- Not measuring the mash pH at the start may have been a big mistake. I may have stopped the Beta Amylase with the high temp mash and prevented the Alpha Amylase from doing it's job because the pH was too low. This could explain why I didn't get good starch conversion even after mashing for 90 min. I have test strips but I question their accuracy. I need to invest in a digital pH meter.
- I hated adding baking soda to the beer. I really don't need extra sodium in my diet and the potential impact to the flavor of the beer is not good either. I may have to try using pickling lime or chalk next time.
- Hitting my mash temperature is a real pain and the tools I have at my disposal to course correct (especially when trying to hit such a high mash temp) are not very good. Having more hot water available allowed me to get the mash from 155 F to 158 F but I'm wondering if I might have ended up stopping the enzymes with that 190 F water. I have been researching the work necessary to put together a RIMS setup - this batch has started to convince me that it would be worth the effort - I don't want a repeat of this brewday.