
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Pale Ale with Citra and Mosaic

This will be a new Hoppy beer to have on tap - I have been very busy recently and have had to buy commercial beer.  I'm hoping this will be a bit more flavorful than the typical commercial Pale Ale and I'll brew it to be a a low alcohol one at 4%ish

I have a lot of hops from a couple years ago which I'll attempt to start using up.  I'll generously hop this beer to that end.  I have some very nice smelling Citra which I'll use for a large charge of Flame out hops as well as a big dose of dry hops (using 6 oz of Mosaic.  I'll give the beer 1 week with these before kegging

Recipe Details:

  • Grain:
    • 9 lbs Golden Promise
    • 1 lb Flaked Wheat
  • Hops:
    • 1.4 oz Chinook (Leaf, 12.2% AA) at 60 min
    • 1.9 oz Columbus (Leaf, 14.6% AA) at 60 min
    • 5 oz Citra (Leaf, 13.1% AA) at 0 min
    • 6 oz Mosaic (Leaf, 11.4% AA) Dry Hop
  • Yeast:
    • US-05 American Ale Yeast
  • Water:
    • 13 gal spring water
    • 0.25 tsp Citric Acid
    • 1 tsp CaCl
    • 1 tsp Gypsum
    • 1 tsp Irish Moss at 15 min

Process Details:
  • Batch Size:
    • 6(Target 6 gay)
  • Mash:
    • 150 F for 60 min
  • Boil:
    • 60 min
  • Fermentation Temperature:
    • 65 F
  • Primary Duration:
    • 3 Weeks
  • Secondary Duration:
    • 2 Weeks in the Keg

  • OG:
    • 1.046 (Target 1.045)
  • Efficiency:
    • 75% (Target 74%)
  • FG:
    • 1.016 (Target 1.015)
  • Apparent Attenuation:
    • 64% (Target 66%)
  • ABV:
    • 3.8% (3.9%)

Brewing Notes:
  • 8/18/24 - Brewday - 10 AM to 3 PM- Including Setup and Cleanup
    • Heated 13 gal of spring water to 175 F
    • Milled my grain.  Added CaCl, Gypsum, and Citric Acid to the malt
    • Moved 7 gal of spring water to the Mash Tun and cycled through the grant and RIMS until the temperature had settled at 160 F
    • Added the grain and stirred well to eliminate dough balls.  Let the Mash settle for 10 min
    • Cycled the RIMS at 150 F for 60 min
    • Heated 5 gal of spring water to 185 F
    • Did a slow fly sparge until I'd collect 8.5 gal of wart.  Started to heat the brew kettle after collecting 4 gal.  Had it at a boil around the time the sparge finished
    • Boiled for 60 min - added the bittering hops shortly after the start of the boil
    • Put the yeast in a cup of room temp spring water to hydrate
    • Added Irish Moss with 15 min left
    • Added the wort chiller with 5 min left
    • Added whirl pool hops at the end of the boil.  Ran the burner on low setting with a slow flow of cooling water to keep the wort at 180 F.  Let the hops steep at this temperature for 20 min
    • Cooled the wort down to around 80 F
    • Transferred to the fermenter, letting it fall a couple feet to aerate, and pitched the yeast
    • Moved the beer to my fermentation chamber set to 65 F
    • Collected 6 gal and measured the gravity as 1.046
  • 8/19/24 - Fermentation was active by the next afternoon
  • 9/1/24 - Added the dry hops to the beer
  • 9/14/24 - Cold crashed the beer down to 36 F and fined with gelatin.  My schedule was delayed by a week due to unexpected hospital visit.  Hope to be drinking it soon now though.
  • 9/15/24 - Transferred to keg and will carbonate over the next week or so before trying it  The FG as 1.016

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