I brewed this beer a bit over a month ago and have been drinking it for the last couple weeks. It was my first attempt at using Mosaic hops which are reported to bring a complex set of flavors that make them well suited to be used in single hop beers. Based on this beer I would agree with that claim (although I don't necessarily agree they are superior to Cascade in a single hop beer).
I used this malt bill and hopping technique once previously and thought the results were very nice. I am, once again, very satisfied with this beer. The low alcohol and relatively balanced flavor of this beer really make it a joy to drink (it has a very impressive hop flavor that would be right at home in an IPA but lacks the overwhelming bitterness that, to me, can start to become to much after a couple). Really love this recipe.
I'll plan on trying another one of these soon as a vehicle to explore the virtues of some other hop variety.
Tasting Notes:
- Aroma:
- Hop aroma is very prominent. It is a piney and fruity smell. It has fallen off just a slight bit in the few weeks since bottling the beer. Malt is not coming through at this point. No yeast or alcohol character.
- Appearance:
- Dark gold and very clear. Pours with a couple finger head that settles down to a thin layer pretty quickly.
- Flavor:
- Has a fresh and pronounced hop flavor with a restrained bitterness in the finish. Bready/light toast malt character balances out the bitterness in the finish
- Mouthfeel:
- Medium-light bodied and smooth drinking
- Overall:
- Very drinkable beer with a lovely hop character. The Mosaic hop is very nice. I think any characterful hop would probably make a very nice beer in these amounts. Right now the flavor profile is slanted towards the hop but it will get into more balance as it gets a bit older. As is there is enough malt character to establish a really nice balance of flavors.